Friday, April 2, 2010

Still flailing

You guys, we still can't believe the worldwide response to our show. Thank you so, so much for all your lovely tweets and messages. We have picked up about 170 new Twitter followers, and they're still coming.

The show wasn't long enough to include everything Katie wanted to cover. She had more tracks to play, plus she wanted to devote some time to talking about Adam's band, his doing Time for Miracles for the movie 2012, his appearances on US television (including the infamous AMAs), the awards he has won, his music videos, his magazine covers and photo shoots ... Hopefully we'll get to do a second show!

Thanks to some lovely person on Twitter (who are you? tell us!), most of the show was recorded. You can listen to it as many times as you like on TheSpindleShay's blog, All That Glitters.

Here is the playlist. Track 15 was recorded by @tinafea_pf and cleaned up by @lambosessed - thank you so much!

1. Music Again*
2. Kiss and Tell
3. I Just Love You
4. Ring of Fire**
5. Tracks of My Tears**
6. Mad World (live and acoustic on Live! With Regis and Kelly)
7. If I Can't Have You***
8. Feelin' Good***
9. Beth**
10. We Are the Champions** (with Kris Allen, Brian May and Roger Taylor)
11. Fever*
12. Whataya Want from Me (live and acoustic for Take 40 Australia)
13. Down the Rabbit Hole****
14. Whole Lotta Love**
15. Whole Lotta Love (live and acoustic at Fantasy Springs)
16. Broken Open*
17. Voodoo****

* from For Your Entertainment
** live on American Idol
*** American Idol official recording
**** bonus track from For Your Entertainment

And we just HAVE to post this! :D


  1. Thank YOU for doing this show - and PLEASE do a follow up! It's great to be part of this huge global family who are mesmerised by this incredible man.

    All of us over at thank you for reading out our tweets and for the lovely things you had to say about our site - where EVERYONE is welcome, NOT just those of us in the UK! Come on over!

    You guys totally rock! Looking forward to the next Adam programme already.

    Foxxi Starr (Co-founder and Admin, Adam Lambert

  2. Thanks for the linky, I appreciate it! Did want to mention though that the mp3's posted unfortunately do not include the first two songs of your show but instead pick up right before I Just Love You. Maybe soon the full recording will show up (and if it does I will post it).
    What an excellent show, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed "Adam Radio".

  3. Just had a chance to hear the show through the ALL THAT GLITTERS site and I have to say I loved it.
    So glad to know people all over the world feel about Adam the way I do - he is fantastic!
    I am from his home town San Diego, CA and feel grateful that he grew up here and in makes his home in L.A. BUT your tribute show was amazing and more support for Adam than I have heard before - YES do it again and the Adamgasms were felt 'sm*!!*d' all over the world. THX <3 - AnninSD

  4. Loved the show so much, thanks guys. It was a lot of fun participating on twitter and connecting up with so many fans all around the world too. It was also so good to hear Adam talked about in public by fans who love him, and get him!
