Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thank you, Adam fans!

We are overwhelmed by all the support from Adam fans who listened to our show and took the time to tweet. Thank you all so much! We're glad you enjoyed it. To get an actual tweet from Adam himself (!!!) was icing on the glittery cake.

Keep your eye on Twitter and this blog for further updates, and thanks again. Kisses to you all!


  1. .
    JoyFM Thank you so much!!! Your incredible Adam Lambert special was like no other. Your blend of bio, music & fashion was interesting, fun, informative & accurate.

    Your track choices showcased Adam's vocals beautifully. The special was so good it flew by before we knew it. My international friends were equally impressed. I hope you are able to present it again, in it's entirety, as it was flawless.

    Thanks Katie, for your stoic dedication to Adam Lambert right from the start, we are avid listeners : )

    blakkrrox, aka Ann

    Adam Lambert's Official Website Aussie link:

    Adam Lambert Australian Fan Club:

  2. thanks so much for the great adam lambert show. I laughed and cried as I traveled down memory lane. his future is bright and it's been great making this journey with him. thanks again from new york state fan.

  3. Thank you Joy. I love that you love Adam as much we do. Your support means so much. I know that many people will take a second look (or first look) at Adam after your show and like most of us will be unable to look away ever again. Thanks again.

  4. Thanks for the Adam Lambert segment! I'm a huge fan, from California, and it was awesome to hear his music on your show!

  5. Thank you - the best radio party EVER!!!! I Just Love You is one of my favorite Adam pre-idol songs. I love watching skating, so Adam's voice + staking was a heaven for me. One performance which really stole my heart totaly is Come to me, Bend to me, which Adam sang in 2002 for a play called Brigadoon. That's just Wow, Wow, Wow... I can never get tired of listening to his song as he is very diverse. I don't know anyone is as diverse as him.

    Thanks again!!! I hope more of this!!!!

  6. amazing&epic ADAM LAMBERT segment!
    i'm israeli fan - thank you so much for giving us HAPPY&JOY LAMBERT DAY!

  7. thanks for the wonderful show and especially for playing my recording of Fantasy Springs Whole Lotta Love, that was quite a thrill for me.

  8. Thank you again for playing all those wonderful Adam songs! We love him!!! So fun that we can listen to you in the US.

  9. Thank you so much for this unique show! Other countries should use this as a reference point how to introduce Adam Lambert to new markets. He is truly remarkable artist and the way you portrayed him really did him justice. Great job! Love from Finland

  10. Katie and co-horts, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this amazing trip down Lambert-Memory Lane. I missed it live (birthday yesterday and out too late over-indulging), but am listening right now as I type this...and I'm this is like the best after-BD gift ever!

    You've done such a FINE job of researching all the details...I'm sure Adam fans worldwide are loving you right now, just as I am...a little late to the party, but here nevertheless.

    "joytheme" is such an appropriate name for this program. Adam is JOY personified for me, and so is this program! THANK YOU! <3<3<3

  11. Thanks soooo much for the support to Adam, he is an amazing talent and you are wonderfull for promoted him, love from ARGENTINA!!!

  12. Thank you, Joy, for appreciating and sharing the amazing talent that is Adam Lambert with all your listeners. So glad Adam's pre/post Idol music was shared with us. Even though all his recordings are amazing getting to see Adam perform live is just MAGIC!! No other way to explain it!! So...if you ever have the opportunuty to see Adam LIVE grab will NEVER regret it! A rare talent like Adam's doesn't come along very often.

  13. SK said...Late to your party so listening to a download. How awesome of you to do this. I'm a huge fan from Colorado and have followed Adam since his tryout. Thanks so much for your support!

  14. I missed your show. Is there somewhere where it is up so that I can watch it?

  15. Thanks so much for the great adam lambert show. We Adam fans love you!!

  16. Just finished listening to your incredible two-hour special on Adam (could not join when you aired). I had a lump in my throat the whole time because I was overwhelmed by Adam's out of this world vocals. Thank you SO very much for this gift. I, like you, am convinced that Adam Lambert will put his indelible mark on music in the coming years.

    Cheers from Montreal, Canada!


  17. I absolutely loved your Adam Lambert program. You chose my own playlist including the less known live performances. I feel like I found a soul mate (smile)
    Plus all the details on background information was presented in an informative and insightful manner. I feel this truly represents Adam Lambert as the Stellar performer he is and perhaps has introduced him to others.
    I listened from Washington State in the USA and if this is representative of the wonderfully informatative type of shows you commonly present I will listen more

  18. Fabulous show! Canadian fan here who thanks you so much for this lengthy feature and great selection of Adam Lambert's music. Well done and much appreciated!

  19. Thank you so much for the 2 hour dedication to Adam. It was a wonderful journey in Adam's career. You chose great songs to showcase! I hope this wonderful man finds success and love worldwide!

  20. thank-you for your support and recognizing the awesome talent that is ADAM F.Lambert!!!

  21. Thank you does not come close to conveying the joy, no pun intended, you have dispensed with your 2 hour Adam Lambert retrospective. To know others can come to appreciate everything about him, his talent, his personality, his goodness, makes my heart sing. The world really does need to become acquainted with this fabulous human being. Gush, Gush, Gush !!

  22. Thank you! Great set list too.

  23. Katie,

    I think you love Adam just as much as we Canadian do. His album is already platinum here!

    Thank you for the most excellent Adam radio doc. You put the rest of the world on point.

    Thanks again. Please do it again another time - you know there's enough music.

    Marlena in Toronto

  24. Wonderful program - you guys are awesome! Caught the show from Pennsylvania, US and I love hearing other countries showing so much love to Adam.

  25. Thank YOU for this brilliant show. Its so good to connect with Adam's fans from all over the world. Thank you for reading our tweets and for the kind words about our site - Adam Lambert

    More please!!

  26. Thank you so much for this wonderful program devoted to our BB. Love all the songs you selected and the details about each performance. I listened to the program from Spain. I got goose bumps with the love you showed for Adam (our AFL).

    Can´t wait for the second part :-)

    Warm hugs,


  27. Thank you so much for supporting our world idol, we can't wait to see him soar to the dizzy heights of superstardom!

    A UK fan!

  28. You guys are the best! Thanks for the program! We were in heavan! Can we do it again?
